Now showing items 105-124 of 129

      Potential of biogas production from co-digestion of jackfruit waste, banana peels and pineapple peels with cow dung : a case of Kangulumira Sub-County, Kayunga District [1]
      The potential use of beetroot (Beta vulgaris l.) Powder to complement dietary iron intake of adolescent school girls (10-19 years old) [1]
      Preservation of Chayote (Sechium edule L) using different drying methods [1]
      Process optimization and physicochemical characterization of two pineapple (ananas comosus) cultivars grown in selected areas of Uganda: a case of solar drying [1]
      Processing traits of potato varieties grown in Uganda for potential production of French fries [1]
      Production and life cycle assessment of jackfruit waste nutrient-enriched biochar for soil amendment and carbon sequestration [1]
      Production of flour from roasted beans and determination of its nutritional, sensory and storage properties [1]
      Production, utilization and nutritional value of indigenous vegetables compared to exotic vegetables in Jinja (Uganda) And Vihiga (Kenya) [1]
      Pyrolysis of pine and eucalyptus wood residues for production of biofuels and biochar [1]
      Quality of recycled oil and used in deep frying potato chips and fresh fish by street processors in Kampala [1]
      Reliability of scored patient-generated subjective global assessment in determining nutritional status of HIV infected adults attending TASO Mulago Clinic [2]
      Safety assessment of cystatins used to control pests in transgenic bananas in Uganda. [1]
      Safety, preparation and handling practices of street-vended foods in selected districts of Uganda. [1]
      Selected physico-chemical properties of traditionally processed orange-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomea batatus, L. Lam). [1]
      Solanum anguivi Lam. fruits’ nutritional quality and potential effect on type 2 diabetes mellitus [1]
      Studies on the safety of Obushera and probiotic potential of selected lactic acid bacteria [1]
      Sugar sweetened beverage intake, physical activity and nutritional status of school children above five in Kampala. [1]
      Toxicological risk associated with consumption of rice sold in Uganda [1]
      Trials of Improved Practices complemented with modified recipes to improve dietary diversity of women and children in farming households in Kapchorwa, Uganda [1]
      Use of edible insects' chitosan to improve shelf-life and safety of bread [1]