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dc.contributor.authorPaul Lubowa, Margaret Trowell school of Industrial and Art.
dc.descriptionPainted in 2012, ‘the achievement’ is one of those paintings that demonstrate the artist’s mastery of the painting media in a mysterious way. Two graduates standing in communication with two proud mothers are presented, wearing motorboats, a sign of achievement. What is going between the graduates and their mothers all seems to be left to the interpretation of the viewer, but the flow of the white robes the graduates are adorning suggest celebration moods. Painted in various tones of broken brown, with carefully mixed green hues and subtle blues, the painting gives the viewer a psychological sense of vanishing forms fused with the background. The artist’s use of the female figure as opposed to male forms is an indicator of the emphasis put on the empowerment of women by Makerere University during and after 1990s, an Institution where the artist works. This painting reveals that education is not a preserve of men but rather a right for all.en_US
dc.description.abstractPainted in 2012, the achievement’ is one of those paintings that demonstrate the artist’s mastery of the painting media in a mysterious way.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipGovernment of Uganda, Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (RIF) and Makerere University Library.en_US
dc.titleThe Achievement.en_US

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