Now showing items 366-385 of 454

      Role of formal education in facilitating the reintegration of ex-child soldiers in Northern Uganda: A case study of Lira district.. [1]
      The role of health facilities in promoting male partner support in elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Mbale District [1]
      The role of indigenous tree species in the livelihoods of Offaka Sub-County, Arua District [1]
      The role of information and communication technology in improving security in Kenyan urban local governments : the case of Nairobi city county [1]
      The role of local government in promoting smallholder farming in Ngora District [1]
      The role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in mitigating child sexual abuse in Obalanga - Amuria District [1]
      The role of performance management practices in improving employee productivity: the case of Kyambogo University academic staff [1]
      Role of private health providers in the provision of HIV/AIDS services in Kampala Central [1]
      The role of rural organisations in the promotion of sustainable land management practices in Uganda : the case of Kapchorwa and Masindi Districts [1]
      Role of savings and credit cooperatives to poverty eradication in Mbale District [1]
      The role of synergies in development: a study of consortia for youth skills development in Wakiso district [1]
      The role of the church in promoting human rights in Situmi Catholic Parish in light of Pacem in Terris of John XXIII [1]
      The role of the church in promoting the rights of women in Kamuge-Olinga Parish in light of Mulieris Dignitatem of John Paul II [1]
      The role of the East African Community (EAC) in preventing and resolving regional conflicts [1]
      The role of Universal Primary Education in the alleviation of domestic child labour in Uganda: The case of Nakawa division, Kampala district. [1]
      The role of UPDF in establishing peace and stability in the Great Lakes Region [1]
      The Role of Women in Conflict Resolution in Post War Northern Uganda [1]
      The role of women in peace-building processes among refugees; A case of Kiryandongo refugee settlement [1]
      SACCOs’ response to Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA) new rules and regulations in Mbarara District [1]
      School feeding program and its effects on pupils’ outcomes in Ongino Sub –County, Kumi District [1]