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dc.contributor.authorMarium, Mbatudde
dc.identifier.citationMbatudde, M. (2022). Non-Financial Rewards and Performance of Academic Staff of Islamic University in Uganda, Kampala Campus. Unpublished masters' thesis. Makerere University; Kampala-Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA Dissertation submitted to the Directorate of research and graduate training in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Master of Education (Educational Policy and Planning) of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed at examining the relationship between non-financial rewards and the performance of academic staff at Islamic University in Uganda (KC). It was prompted by the low performance of academic staff in IUIU (KC). This study was guided by three specific objectives, that is to say, to examine the relationship between (1) Promotion, (2) recognition and (3) training with the performance of academic staff in IUIU. It was a co-relational, crosssectional survey design and majorly quantitative. The opulation size was 126 academic staff and the sample size was 97 persons selected using simple random sampling technique. Data were collected using a survey method and its corresponding tool was a self-administered questionnaire. At the univeriate level each dimension of the independent and dependent variable were analysed descriptively whereas at bivariate level inferential statistics were determined using Pearson‟s Correlation Coefficient index and Multiple Regression Analysis techniques. Results revealed a highly positive significant relationship between promotions, recognition and training with the performance of academic staff in IUIU. Thus, it was concluded that promotions, recognition and training significantly relate with the performance of academic staff at IUIU. From these findings, it was recommended that to increase on the performance of academic staff in IUIU, the University Council, relevant authorities should ensure that they design policies that call for equity in promotion of staff basing on seniority, experience and expertise; ensure that academic staff are recognized more using verbal and non-verbal means. These may involve praising, appreciating, giving gifts like plaques, finally there ought to be emphasis on ensuring that the development policy of academic staff is revised to ensure that all new academic staff receive job induction, offered study leaves, allowed and financed to attend seminars, workshops and conferences. Furthermore, junior staff should be allocated some senior staff members to act as their mentors. Since promotion had a more significant effect on the performance of academic staff in IUIU, it must be more emphasized by university administrators.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectAcademic staffen_US
dc.subjectIslamic Universityen_US
dc.titleNon-Financial Rewards and Performance of Academic Staff at Islamic University in Uganda, Kampala Campusen_US

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